Moving along
Nan took 15mls from a bottle at noon today before she
gave up. She took the other 75mls through her nose.
Momma keeps working with her on feeding, and they'll
get the hang of it soon. Nanijo has her own OTs
(occupational therapists) and LCs (lactation
consultants) helping her out too.
The IV in her head wasn't working efficiently so
they've removed it and poked one into her foot again.
She's on the last of her antibiotics, so if the heel
line falls out in before they take it out on Friday,
it'll just stay out.
Nanette's friend Silus moved to level 2, aka "feeders
and growers" a few days ago. He's working on the same
issues she is, trying to get enough milk through a
bottle so that he can go home and get on with his
life. Apparently, it's getting pretty crowded in the
feeders and growers section, but one baby moved out
this morning - heading for home sweet home.
If all goes well, Nanette takes the empty spot in
Level 2 this afternoon.
At 9:20 PM, May 10, 2006, Anonymous said…
I so enjoy your daily observations. Here is a quote:
"Happiness hides in life's small details. If you are not looking,
it becomes invisible."
Dr. Joyce Brothers
We are happy for Nanette's progress. EP
At 10:06 PM, May 10, 2006, Anonymous said…
Little Nanette,
The anticipation is so intense!! You're almost there big girl!! I know everyone is so excited for you to come home. I have held you in a special place in my heart ever since I heard about you. Your progress is are amazing!! And guess what, you have the same birthday as my little one. He was turning three on your birthday. Good can do it....just alittle longer. I pray for you daily.
Lindsay Butler
At 11:43 AM, May 11, 2006, Anonymous said…
I'm thinking it's a good time for all of you to come on home. JoAnn, did you know that your Aunt Judy got a shiner from working too hard? Yep, just like her niece - a hard worker. Sounds like Nanette is going to carry on that torch - know she's been working extra hard on getting out and coming on home. y'all take care now and know your remain in our prayers. With love, Sheila
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