Nanette Jo Cooke

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Good Day

Dad still harbors a bit of a chest cold, so he can't see his girl right now. Banished, outcast, unclean.

But, the news is good from up in NICU! Nanette's IJ worked its way loose so they took it out. She's up to 90mls per feeding through her NG tube (nasal gastric - spaghetti down her nose tube). In order to administer her antibiotics, they had to put an IV in the last remaining accessible vein - on her scalp just above her temple. Yuk. That doesn't stop JoAnn from holding her and feeding her though. Nanijo is keeping her food down, digesting it, and doing a bit of nursing on her own, but she still gags after taking in about 10ml. 30mls is about an ounce. Everything here is mls and grams.

In other news...

Brownie Troop #114 from Vancouver, Washington created a cookbook with proceeds benefiting the two local Ronald McDonald Houses. They are in the house this morning, ten little girls in denim aprons fixing breakfast and filling the air with the joy of youth. They invited a friend, Drew Carney, from Fox News (KPTV channel 12), so the kitchen is full of energy and life and vigor and most of Portland got to see us stagger out in our pajamas with cups dangling from our fingers like beggars looking for a cup of morning hobo coffee.


  • At 8:07 AM, May 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How funny! And what delightful news about Nanijo! Way to go, girl! Katie Jo, take good care of your dad--make sure he drinks lots of orange juice and tea. Carter, hello!

    Love, Aunt Mary


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