Nanette Jo Cooke

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

par oneri

Latin for "equal to the burden."

Nanette has shed all repiratory assistance! The respiratory therapist pulled the vent tubes out on Sunday afternoon. They skipped CPAP and went straight to simple cannulas with no added oxygen. This morning even the cannulas are gone. She's still leaking a bit of gross stuff out of the original hole (the doctors call it "presenting") so she still has two chest tubes for drainage, but there's not much coming out of those.

What a trooper! Kids are so strong and resilient. Nanette reminds me of one of those action movie stars - they get shot and beat up and end up in the hospital and then bounce right up and rip out the IVs and tubes and wires so they can run out the front door and get back into the chase.

By the way, JoAnn ran into Audrey's mom, Rose. After surgery, Audrey moved upstairs to PICU (pediatric intensive care unit.) That's where the post-op cardiac equipment is. She's still in critical condition, but at least we know where she is and we're sending healing thoughts and prayers up that way too.


  • At 10:24 PM, May 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are so glad to hear Nanette's progress.
    I show her picture to people everywhere I go. They respond with prayers.

  • At 6:25 PM, May 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't even begin to tell you how much your blog has meant during all of this, even when I was there for the day to day events. Steve and I send our love, support and prayers each and every day to you, JoAnn and the kiddos.
    Thanks for your work here.
    Aunt Angie


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