Letter from JoAnn
Dear Joe,
Doctor Baxter "DC'd" Nanette's monitor leads. She's totally wireless and tubeless!!! What does "DC" stand for, anyway? Discontinue?
Nanette ate all of her 3:30 feeding, and most of her 6:30 feed (drank 70 ml). If we can still get the total required volume in by 11pm, then we're good and can keep the feeding tube out. I carried her over to Silas' bedside for a photo.
Silas is getting an MRI tomrrow. Hopefully, he can get it without anesthesia. Otherwise, it's entubation (sp?) and he'll have to start trying to feed all over again. He's been nursing last night and today so Tanaya is beaming. They really appreciated the book. Albert started reading it already.
Joshua is not doing well. He had to have a blood transfusion last night. He isn't coping with the surgery very well. Becky is hanging on, but wearing thin.
Here are some photos off the digital camera. I'll send more in separate emails.
Hope you had a good drive home. I miss you already. I had a great Mother's Day and really enjoyed this weekend. Can't believe I might be coming home in a few days.
I love you!!!
At 10:43 AM, May 15, 2006, Tanaya said…
We am sooooo excited for you guys! You are going to be a real family again. Congratulations! We are going to miss all of you terribly but we are also praising God that you get to take your little princess home where she belongs. Please stay in touch. My email is tanayakyne@hotmail.com and visit our blog: www.silaskyne.blogspot.com. Thank you for traversing this NICU path with us. We will be announcing our own going home plans soon too I hope.
Love to you all, Albert and Tanaya Kyne
At 1:19 PM, May 15, 2006, Anonymous said…
These are such beautiful images. . . it's very heartwarming to see her in her natural state (almost!).
At 6:15 PM, May 15, 2006, Anonymous said…
YAY! Love to you all. Great news and great pics!
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